Inflammation is one of the defense mechanisms of the body. It is a biological response that the body puts up when a foreign body tries to attack it. The foreign body may be a pathogen, such as viruses, bacteria, or other organisms that cause infections. Ordinarily, there is no problem when the body fights against foreign bodies. However, the body sometimes mistakes its tissues or cells as harmful and launches an attack against them. When this happens, it may cause auto-immune diseases, including diabetes. According to experts, inflammation contributes to different chronic conditions, such as metabolic syndrome, including heart disease, obesity, and type-2 diabetes. In this post, we will look at the five common causes of inflammation.

Why Does Inflammation Occur?

Inflammation usually occurs when physical factors activate the immune reaction. Although an infection can lead to inflammation, the presence of inflammation does not necessarily mean an infection. Here are some factors that lead to inflammation in the body system.

1.     Pathogens

When the body identifies pathogens or any damage in the body, the immune system activates different reactions. Pathogens are often introduced into the body through an injury, infection, or exposure to some substances, such as dust or bee sting. There is also a chance that you can develop an acute inflammation if you have a sore throat from the flu or cold, an ingrown toenail, acute appendicitis or bronchitis, or physical wound or trauma.

2.     Allergy

When you are sensitive to some substances, you will develop an allergy. The body sees anything that triggers an allergic reaction as a foreign body, and when the body detects this, it triggers an attack, which can lead to inflammation. This type of inflammation can occur in any part of the body.

3.     Air Pollutant

When you are exposed to irritants and air pollutants in the long-term, you will likely develop chronic inflammation. One of these air pollutants is an industrial chemical. With the number of industrial establishments across the cities, people are often exposed to these pollutants.

4.     Auto-inflammatory Diseases

Genetics also plays a role in the development of inflammation. There is a genetic factor that affects how the immune system functions. For instance, Behcet’s disease is a product of genetics malfunctioning. Anyone with this health condition will experience chronic inflammation.

5.     Autoimmune Disorders

It is another common cause of inflammation in the human body. When the immune system mistakes normal healthy cells or tissues as foreign bodies, it attacks them, leading to chronic inflammation.

What Factors Increases the Risk of Inflammation?

Different factors may increase an individual’s risk of developing inflammation over time. These include obesity, stress, smoking, older age, low sex hormones, sleep problems, and unhealthy eating habits, such as regular consumption of added sugar and unhealthy fats. There are also long-term health conditions that may lead to inflammation. These include tuberculosis, asthma, periodontitis, rheumatoid arthritis, chronic peptic ulcer, active hepatitis, sinusitis, Crohn’s disease, and ulcerative colitis.


It is important to note that inflammation plays a significant role in the process of healing. However, chronic inflammation can also increase the risk of many diseases, such as atherosclerosis, hay fever, rheumatoid arthritis, periodontitis, and cancer. It is critical to identify the cause of inflammation and the associated disease on time and develop the treatment or therapy plan to manage to avoid any complications in the long run.

Pain is usually a common sign of inflammation, although some inflammatory diseases do not show any symptoms until much later. You should talk to your health practitioner if you notice any swelling or feel any pain. Ensure you check out any health concerns with your doctor to detect any health condition that may worsen over time.