Free Cinematic MOVIES LUTs | Color Grading | #3

Most of the time, through color toning an image or video we are trying to make it look as realistic as possible. But sometimes an image calls for more artistic liberty, which is why we designed this cinematic LUT pack just for you. Each of these 10 cinematic LUTs will apply a bold, artistic look to your images and videos in no time at all, and they can always be further dialed in to fit your specific needs.

What Are LUTs?

LUTs, also known as Color Lookup-Tables, are starting points for coloring your images. They can serve as a starting point for your color toning or can fully color grade your image, all in a few clicks.

This pack includes:

  • 10 Cube Video LUTs
  • Colorful Effects
  • Dramatic Effects
  • Vintage Themes
  • Music Videos/Concerts
  • Tips & Tricks Help File

Compatible with Adobe Premiere Pro,Final cut pro, and all software that support .CUBE extension files

Convenient way to use:

It’s highly recommend to use these LUT’s using Adjustment layer. Simply create adjustment layer and drop it on your footage, apply LUT’s on adjustment layer, by this way you can change color grade or delete layer any time without any trouble to your original footage

How To USE ?

Easiest method shown in the video tutorial video below, Let’s take a quick look to steps how to install these LUT’s…

  • Download the pack from the button (mentioned above)
  • Extract the Zip file using “WINRAR” any other what you have.
  • Copy all the file in .CUBE extension
  • Go to the location where you installed your Premiere
  • Find Lumetri folder
  • Now select Creative folder
  • Paste all the File ( .Cube )
  • Cheers! all set :))

For Further help and guidance watch video tutorial mentioned below 

Want to download these Presets Free??

Here’s how you can download LUT’s pack for adobe premiere pro and use it for free. This is a Google Drive direct download link.

NOTE: These files are for testing and educational purposes and you can also use them in your private or commercial projects, but the credit is required to