Taking your life to the next levels needs much attention and you have to be in the mainstream. As nowadays, positive thinking has become a popular concept in the whole world, it raises a question: what exactly does it mean to think positively?
In our research positive thinking does not mean that you hide your head in the sand and ignore less pleasant life situations at all. In reality, positive thinking simply means that you approach troubles more positively and productively than others.
However, this is something you have to develop on your own and here are 10 golden rules that will lead you to a positive thinking mindset.
1. Accept failures
There will be sometimes when things will not go as you planned them.
Instead of complaining and whining, try to have an unbiased look that focuses not only on negativity.
Accepting failure and flexibility helps you easily adapt to new circumstances and realize other opportunities that can help you overcome any obstacles.
Whenever you feel stuck, try to write down all the options that you have. Thus, you will find several useful solutions that will help you feel better and be more optimistic.
2. Surround yourself with positive people
There is a saying that “you are the culmination of the five people with whom you spend the most time”, so you should carefully consider your main circle of friends.
Surrounding yourself with positive people brings more positive things to your life and changes your way of thinking and acting.
Pay attention to spend time with happy people who inspire you, and avoid spending time with negative people who only drain your energy.
3. Express gratitude every day
A simple thank you process can increase your overall well-being by more than 10 percent. It’s a good habit to write a diary of thanks every morning. It only takes five to ten minutes of your time, but this practice helps bring long-term benefits to your life.
Start with the name of the five things you are thankful for. Try to be as specific as possible, because the details bring more benefits. In addition, try to describe different things each time, as there are many things for which you can be thankful.
4. Change perspective
Life brings both positive and negative experiences. Naturally, it’s easy to think good when things are going smoothly, but with the first difficulties, we tend to repeat our old behavioral patterns.
However, at such moments it is important to remember that you yourself must determine how you will perceive your experience. Moreover, you are the only one who can change this point of view.
For example, think of your health problems as an opportunity to improve your diet and develop new healthy habits.
5. Exercise regularly
Physical activity has a powerful effect on your mental health. When you exercise, your body releases endorphins – chemicals that help you feel good and positive.
Try to incorporate even small changes into your daily life, for example, climbing stairs instead of an elevator or stretching after a long sitting. Better yet, go to the gym three times a week or find your favorite physical activity and do it regularly.
6. Meditate yourself
Meditation is a powerful tool for improving control over your thought processes. When you meditate, your mind gains clarity and peace that helps you focus. This condition brings a sense of serenity that you could not experience in the outside world.
Sit or lie down comfortably, close your eyes and focus on breathing. If you are new to this practice, read our article Meditation for Beginners – for those who cannot turn off their brains. Remember that it takes some time to get used to meditation.
7. Turn a negative conversation with yourself into a positive
Do you know all the thoughts that come to your mind? Do you know the impact of negative thoughts on your well-being? Perhaps you think that one thought: “I am so bad at this” or “I should not have done this” will not do any harm, but such thoughts create the effect of a snowball.
That is why whenever you catch yourself in negative thinking, stop it and turn it into positive thinking. For example, instead of thinking “I’m bad at this,” say, “with time and practice, I will become better at this.”
8. Ask for help
It is normal to feel overwhelmed from time to time. In such situations, it is very important to find support or get help without being ashamed or embarrassed.
You can ask your friends, family and even your colleagues to help you in bad situations. It’s not a bad thing at all, when your relatives will be in problem, they will ask you for help, so why you can’t?
9. Avoid negativity
Life in the present eliminates all worries about past events, as well as the fantastic imagination of possible future events. Try to focus on the moment you are in and be fully present. This is the best way to live a meaningful life and avoid the negative thoughts that the past or future can bring.
10. Celebrate your success
We are usually so focused on achieving goals that we forget to celebrate our successes. It is important to stop recognizing your progress and celebrate it.
When you take the time to read your achievements, no matter how small they are, your body releases endorphins, which make you feel great.
This type of behavior enhances your positive attitude.
So, Be proud of your achievements, share them with your family and friends and take the time to think about the path you have chosen.
Soon you will see a positive you.
These were the top 10 golden rules of life or you can say the rules to live by for a happy life.
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