It is frightening just how many Canadian businesses genuinely do not understand why they are not reaching their full potential. They might have super duper products to sell, but nobody is buying them. They might have a website and a page on Facebook, but still, they only reach a fraction of their potential.

The answer is simple. They are employing the wrong individuals without the required skills to oversee it. There’s no shame in that if it’s recognized before it’s too late. History is littered with stories of those who think that they know best but come unstuck to try and save money or by letting their ego take over. To be recognized and ensure that a target audience know what is being offered a website needs to be at the top of the rankings on Google or Bing, which is what is guaranteed when clicking on

SEO is the skill which uses data driven evidence to use the right keywords to find the right target audience through information such as demographics and when they will be looking online. In the right hands, the website, which can also be vastly improved by the same team so that it holds attraction once viewers check it out, will be the top of those listings. Let’s be honest. Very view users go past the first couple of options when they input what they are looking for into the search engine. Businesses that are halfway down the rankings or in the wilderness of page 2 have very little chance of attracting views and therefore very little sales as they continue to stagnate.

Using a professional digital marketing team to oversee SEO, as many leading companies around the world do, saves time and money. The experts with the right skills save time and money otherwise wasted by those who are relying on guesswork. Immediately, they will gain a competitive edge over their rivals and see their revenue increased. Users might be directed towards the website through a Facebook ad, which is another attribute a leading team can offer. Brand awareness is something that can be capitalised upon, as once a purchasing customer buys once and they are satisfied, they are likely to return while telling their friends.

Getting a website at the top of the Google listings thanks to the expertise of professionals offers massive opportunities to grow and increase profits while leaving competitors lagging behind.