Death and taxes are maybe the only two certain things in our lives. Taxes are public revenues that the state collects from taxpayers (individuals and legal entities) as part of their income, turnover, or property. Thereby, taxes are a mandatory obligation determined by law, for which no direct reciprocal service is received from the state. Still, they are used to finance the public expenditures necessary for the performance of the state’s functions. Taxes are also an important instrument of economic and social policy.
Which types of taxes exist?
Profit tax is a tax paid by domestic and foreign, physical, and legal persons from the profit they realize from performing activity on a specific country’s territory. Click on this link to find out more about tax types.
Personal income tax is a tax paid by individuals on the total income earned during a year, from various sources, in the country or abroad. The tax liability exists for all income based on salaries, income from self-employment, income from property and property rights (rent) or copyright and industrial property rights, income from capital (dividends, interest) and capital gains, winnings from games of chance, and other similar income.
Value-added tax is a general consumption tax calculated and paid at each stage of production, trade, and service activities unless otherwise provided by the tax. The taxation subject is the trade of goods and services, which is performed with compensation in the country by the taxpayer within his economic activity and the import of goods.
Property tax is paid by physical and legal persons who are owners or real estate users, except for property that is legally exempt from payment. These include property tax, inheritance and gift tax, and real estate sales tax.
How can tax reliefs take the burden off your shoulders?
Usually, every government issues a program or some kind of policy about tax reliefs to reduce the taxes paid by the residents of the country or by businesses. Each tax relief program can be aimed at a particular group of taxpayers or for the whole country. Click here for more information.
Deductions, credits, or exclusions are generally the ways through which tax reliefs work. Tax reliefs are most certainly there to help people during natural disasters. Wildfires, hurricanes, tsunamis, earthquakes are exceptional cases where the government decides to take on a tax relief policy about certain groups of people or geographical areas.
Especially during the COVID19 pandemic last year, many countries globally implemented tax relief programs. Lots of people were left jobless, homeless, without any money saved up for the future in a matter of weeks and months. The pandemic hit hard everywhere globally, and since lots of businesses were shut down and the overall economy was suffering, many governments helped their residents through tax deductions, credits, exclusions, and even tax debt forgiveness.
Decrees on certain laws were introduced during a state of emergency, where personal income taxpayers who earn income from the independent activity and who have suffered damage in their operations due to the implementation of measures to prevent the introduction and spread of COVID-19 in the territory of a certain state, were entitled to exemption from the payment of the amount of personal income tax advances for a certain number of months. You can find out more about TaxDesk debt relief if you simply do some research online.
It’s a well-known fact that Americans pay a lot of taxes, and the cost of living there is very high compared to some other countries globally. Their food, education, and healthcare are enormously expensive in comparison with the rest of the world. The average student in the US pays around $20.000 for public schools and $40.000 for nonprofit private schools, and the expenses can go up to $60.000 for many private universities.
Compared to Sweden, where university education is free, this brings a lot of questions about why the youth of America is trapped in this situation. Every year, millions of students take on credit loans to pay for their education, and they are paying off the debts for many, many years. So, tax relief programs are most certainly welcomed among the students as well.
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