Sooner or later, each person faces the question of a job change. Often the most important and decisive step on the way to the coveted position is an interview.

A job interview is the culmination of a job placement process. An interview with an employer is stressful even for professional and experienced job seekers, so it’s important to think in advance how to behave during an interview and how to answer questions asked by a recruiter.

Much depends on how you behave during the interview, answer questions, and whether you are convinced that it is you who must work in this company.

Rule #1: Get Ready To Talk Not To Panic

Recruiters often advise applicants to ask more questions at the interview. But these should not be idiotic questions, right?

One woman once asked me: “What do you like most about your work?”

(example story by an interviewer)

How did she know that it was just a terrible day for me? I wanted to take her out of the room by the nose.

Prepare questions in advance about the vacancy, about the company itself, about its business, structure of the enterprise, etc. And then – listen and respond to answers with further smart questions.

This is called a conversation. The longer you can maintain it without exertion, the better. If a casual conversation goes beyond the standard for an interview of 20-30 minutes, well done.

After all, the interviewer wanted to talk to you more than he planned, and simple politeness had nothing to do with it.

Rule #2: Collect Data of Company and Job Details

On the eve of the interview, go to the company’s website where you are going to get a job, read information about their activities, working hours, and features.

This will make it easier for you to navigate the topic and questions that will be asked to you at the interview. Remember that not only are you interested in working, but employers are in you, so take a closer look and understand if everything suits you.

Read company reviews as a service provider, for example, and as an employer. Learn more about the position you are applying for.

This is important not only to imagine what is required of you but also to better prepare a story about yourself.

Rule #3: Respect The Time

Be sure to come in advance – being late will indicate your non-punctuality and optionality.

If you feel that you are late even for a couple of minutes, call and warn about it. Arriving at the meeting, turn off the mobile phone. Do not be indignant if you are asked to wait.

And do not make any appointments immediately after the interview – it may be delayed, for example, due to the late arrival of the employer.

Rule #4: Always Wear A Professional Dress

Until you know what dress code is accepted in this company, and whether it is there at all, choose the classics.

This is a universal option that tunes for a business interview. According to the results of research, gray and blue colors causes more confidence. Pants, a classic skirt, a coat, a jacket – this is what will be appropriate for an interview.

We think it is not worth saying that too frank, evening, bright, beach dresses will cause, at least, perplexity in the employer.

Rule #5: Prepare Your Own Information

Behave kindly, openly, share information. Sometimes a candidate does not answer questions, saying that it is a commercial secret, despite the fact that all information is available on the Internet.

This behavior is perplexing to employers. Also, I do not advise you to be indignant if you ask questions about your personal life.

If a young woman is asked whether she is married, how many children are in the family and with whom they will remain in case of a possible illness, this is normal. The employer just wants to see you as a reliable and permanent employee.

But there is also the opposite situation when the candidate tells too much personal information, which is completely inappropriate. It is necessary to observe the measure in everything.

Rule #6: Cut Fanaticism From Your Interview Dress

Simple but valuable advice: the day before the interview, get up at the company building at the end of the working day, watch people leave.

You will get some idea of ​​what is accepted there and what is not. No need to buy a new suit. Just try to look good. The main thing is not to overdo it so that there is no impression that you are an alien or simply stupid.

Recently, one guy tried to get a job with us. He came on Friday. Everyone was wearing jeans, and he put on such a classic three-piece suit.

I have probably not seen such people in 10 years. Pink tie. Diplomat. Well, nothing – the guy just made a mistake in his ideas about how everything looks here. True, he never got a job.

Rule #7: Create A Story About Your Past Work

Before the interview, think about what exactly you want to talk about, what qualities and achievements to focus on.

Do not cook too long speech, choose the main thing. Tell us about your successes, prove your professionalism.

It is very good if you can give some specific examples with numbers. In addition, speech rehearsal will help you avoid stuttering, stuttering, and pauses.

Rule #8: Don’t Get Into Criticism

Do not blaspheme your current employer. You can talk about problems in general, but don’t call the boss a moron. In front of you, too, is the boss, and they are all of the same blood.

Be cautious of the request to criticize the activities of the company in which you want to work.

The pursuit of truth must yield to prudence. Start with the fact that, on the whole, everything suits you, otherwise you would not have stuck here, but there are moments that you would have finalized. Point out not future errors, but future opportunities.

The PR man of this office is unlikely to like the statement that “the company is cool, but it has a bad image. ” And to the words “PR here is at a good level, but I would still launch an iPad-presentation” will react quite favorably.

Of course, these proposals should be considered in advance.

Rule #9: Don’t Share Negativity

It is possible that at the previous place of work you had problems communicating with colleagues or superiors because people are different. However, do not focus on this and tell in detail.

Imagine that you meet a person, and at your very first meeting, he exposes someone in a bad light. What do you think? Most likely, the thought will immediately come to mind that if he is able to talk about someone in this vein to a barely familiar person, then it is quite possible that you will once find yourself in the place of this “someone”.

Therefore, if you are asked a question regarding your negative experience, try to answer as correctly and as briefly as possible.

Rule #10: Give As Many Interviews As You Can

Each new interview is an experience through which you become wiser, more professional and more confident in yourself.

Even if you are not inclined to change work right now, such a periodic “shake-up” is very useful.

You will be able to understand how much you are “in the market”, evaluate your opportunities, make business contacts, realize in time that you may have sat up at your current place of work and decide where to move on.

Bonus Tip: Professionally End Your Interview

When the interview is over, thank for your time, ask when you will receive feedback. You can also clarify whether you should call and remind yourself, and at what time it is better to do it.

Most of the HR departments prefer resumes with clear definitions of “receivables” and “software development”, as opposed to slurred “communications” and “teamwork”.

So make sure your resume looks professional and be confident at your interview.

Video: How To Pass An Interview – 10 Tips