What is Ransomware and How to Prevent a Ransomware Attack?

What is Ransomware and How to Prevent a Ransomware Attack?

Information technology is growing towards advancement rapidly these days, but so are criminals. With the development in the IT sector, cyber-criminals have become more sophisticated in planning and executing digital attacks. 

In some cases, the victim does not even know that their computer is infected with a virus and a hacker is stealing the information remotely. This is exactly what happens when ransomware enters your device. 

That is why experts recommend you to protect your devices with good anti-virus software and backup your systems with a secure internet connection like Windstream internet which comes with an advanced internet security suite. 

If you’re looking for a secure internet connection to keep yourself protected against such attacks, contact Windstream customer service and get all the details about their internet packages, Kinetic Security, and technical support.

With that sorted let’s move on to this article that is all about educating you on ransomware threat, what is it exactly and how to prevent a ransomware attack. So continue reading. 

What is ransomware?

Ransomware is malware that is covertly installed into your computer to get hold of the files stored in the system. Cybercriminals blackmail the victim to pay them a hefty amount of money usually in the form of cryptocurrency because it cannot be traced. 

In case the victim fails to make the payment in time, the cybercriminal deletes or leaks the files to the public. However, there is no guarantee that the files will be safely returned even if you make the payment on time because such criminals are not trustworthy. 

Ransomware usually enters your computer through a link, which can be sent via an email, text message, or even from unknown websites. Therefore, never click or open unknown links and websites as they might infect your files with dangerous viruses.  

How to keep yourself protected from a ransomware attack? 

The best idea on how to deal with ransomware is to avert it. Simply put, be vigilant and do not open unknown files or download anything from untrusted sources. You might also be willing to install antivirus or internet security software that can detect and exclude ransomware threats before hijacking the computer. 

This is specifically accurate if you have Windows since it is the platform most frequently under attack by ransomware. If you have the latest backup system, you can go back to the same state before the ransomware infected your computer. 

You can also search for an internet security utility, which can eradicate the particular ransomware installed in your system. Having a reliable and stable internet connection plays the fundamental key in staying clear and alert to fight and resist better from a ransomware attack.

As mentioned above the best way to protect yourself from online threats and viruses is by getting internet services from a provider that offers a complete protection suite to keep you safe from prying eyes. Therefore, always install a secure internet service at your home as well as your workplace.

Solutions for Ransomware infected Computers

If your computer is infected with ransomware, you should consider the following solutions:

  1. Be mentally alert and look out for caution. Do not just wait to learn about a breach from law enforcement or customers. Get log files and alter management systems to recognize early warning signs of any sort of security issue.
  1. Prepare your people as your first line of defense. Train your employees on how significant cybersecurity is to both your business and your bottom line. Educate them on how to identify the signs of an attack, and how to deal with them if there are any.
  1. Keep the desired data on a need-to-know basis only. Restrict the access to any information only to employees that require it for work purposes. Make certain there are measures taken in place to invalidate suspicious access if someone changes responsibilities.
  1. Spot on the dot. Keeping your anti-virus software up to date and updating all the apps and operating systems regularly could assist while avoiding criminals that can abuse notorious vulnerabilities from letting them enter your system.
  1. Encrypt sensitive information. Any company is highly likely to be the prey of a breach at any given point. In case, you encrypt your confidential and crucial data, it cannot be utilized even if it gets stolen.
  1. Practice two-factor authentication at important points. Phishing campaigns are still operational, and employees are prone to mistakes and human errors. Two-factor authentication could restrict any loss done even if the credentials go missing or stolen.
  1. Do not overlook physical security. Data theft can take place offline on top. Utilize surveillance cameras in such scenarios and entry systems for such areas to evade criminals messing around with systems or pilfering sensitive data.

Wrapping up

All the cautions mentioned are applicable on all your computing devices like smartphones, tablets as well as your laptop, desktop. Anything connected with the internet is prey for hackers and data can be compromised. 

As technology is growing, it is more crucial to stay updated on up-to-the-minute news in the cybersecurity world so that you can secure your digital life. The challenge is paying the ransom amount is not recommended as no guarantee paying a fee will abolish the ransomware from your system. So, never visit unknown websites and links, and keep yourself protected at all times with a secure internet network.