Root Canal – The Top 5 Things You Need to Know

Root Canal - The Top 5 Things You Need to Know

Do you or someone you know experience pain when eating or drinking? The most likely cause of the pain is a root canal emergency, which requires an immediate visit to the dentist. But how do you know if it’s an emergency, and what should you do to alleviate your symptoms? Here are the top five things that you need to know about root canal emergencies and how to get relief from them as soon as possible.

1) What is a root canal?

A root canal is a dental procedure used to remove inflamed or infected pulp from inside a tooth. There are three main types of root canal therapy: endodontic treatment, periapical treatment and surgery. In some cases, endodontic therapy can be performed instead of surgery—but if you notice signs that you need emergency root canal care, it’s best to seek immediate care. This will help avoid infection from spreading into surrounding teeth and soft tissue in your mouth. Depending on your situation, emergency root canal care may be more involved than standard endodontic treatment. Your dentist will work together with an oral surgeon to perform any necessary surgery prior to performing root canal therapy.

2) Why do you need one?

If you’ve ever experienced a toothache, you know that it can put a major damper on your day. Whether it’s persistent or sharp, tooth pain is something we all want to avoid at all costs. As such, many of us take steps to prevent dental issues and keep our teeth in tip-top shape. Yet, what do you do when a dental problem arises? In these cases, there’s no time for procrastination; you need an emergency root canal stat! While not as common as other dental problems (such as cavities), root canals are an important procedure that should be handled by a qualified dentist in order to prevent further damage. But how does a root canal work and why should you even get one? Let’s find out!

3) Is it an emergency?

There are certain cases where a root canal is an emergency. A patient might experience extreme pain when they eat or brush their teeth, and they need immediate care. If you have unexplained swelling in your face or jaws, it’s likely an emergency. And if you’re unable to chew on one side of your mouth, it might be time for an emergency root canal appointment. Additionally, some people experience tooth pain after drinking milk or hot beverages and find that having a hot shower helps relieve symptoms. It may not be an emergency but it is recommended that you see a dentist as soon as possible to prevent further damage from occurring.

4) Where should you go?

There is a wide range of prices for root canals depending on where you live and which dentist you go to. In general, expect to pay anywhere from $100-$600 per tooth. Because there’s not an established average price, it’s worth shopping around in your area and asking friends who they recommend. There are many clinics that offer discounts if you do them in a package deal (I know it sounds gross but hey, people save money on essentials like oil changes all the time). In case of emergency root canal , make sure you have coverage before heading into a dentist office because they might require payment upfront.

5) How much does it cost?

Most patients will tell you that once they experienced a root canal, they wish they hadn’t put it off for so long. The root canal procedure itself is painless (you won’t feel anything), but aftercare and recovery time can be a little uncomfortable. It usually takes a few days of minor post-operative soreness before patients start feeling better—and unfortunately, some people don’t even realize that they need a root canal until it becomes too late. If you’re getting recurring pain in your teeth or notice any symptoms like sensitivity to hot or cold temperatures, then there’s a good chance that you might be experiencing early signs of tooth decay.