10 Best Ways to Use Facebook for Marketing

10 Best Ways to Use Facebook for Marketing 10 Best Ways to Use Facebook for Marketing

In spite of recent social media contestants like Pinterest and Snapchat, Facebook remains a popular platform when it comes to engaging with users.

It is preferred by most business owners due to its capability to get user’s attention and to reach new clients in quick time. Several data have revealed that people check Facebook and its associated applications every single day.

As it has a broad reach, any small business owner or entrepreneur looking to establish their business or develop strong online presence should definitely consider Facebook as part of their social media marketing strategy.

The first and most important step in Facebook marketing is creating a professional business page. Remember, by just starting a business page, you cannot stand out.

It is necessary to update your page on regular basis and use all the hottest strategies to attract your audience, transform them into leads and turn them into customers.

Now, lets see the 10 Best Ways to Use Facebook for Marketing:

1. Create a professional business page:

Most entrepreneurs do the mistake of creating a business page somewhat similar to a personal profile page. If you are creating a normal Facebook page and add your business details and name, it is not considered as a business page.

Facebook differentiates business pages and personal pages. It is necessary to develop a professional and dedicated business page.

To create the page, you have to select the Pages section on Facebook after clicking the Create Page option. Some of the benefits of business page are as follows:

  • The business page has unique features and tools which help in managing your business requirements.
  • It allows your fans to subscribe to your page automatically and also receive updates about your page.
  • It enhances your brand profile and establishes trust with customers.

2. Capture attention by adding a cover photo:

A picture can convey a thousand words. Share the motive and goal of your business by adding the best cover photo.

It is recommended to add 851 x 315-pixel image as cover of the Facebook business page. When you are uploading the cover photo for the business page, you have to keep certain points in mind.

  • Concentrate on the mobile look of the cover image.
  • Pin an associated post below the cover the photo.
  • Ensure to use perfect alignment for the cover photo.

3. Create custom short URL and username:

While creating a business page on Facebook, it assigns a casual URL to your page. It is not recommended to use the random URL.

Instead, obtain a valid URL which it is often called. For instance, you can set your business name as the name of the URL. A vanity URL assists with the following:

  • Improves search engine results
  • Increases trust and brand awareness among customers
  • Integrate with URM tools and link retargeting
  • You can also optimize the vanity URL by including targeting keywords so as to improve your SEO

4. Draft an About section which should speak about your business:

One of the best ways to inform your potential customers about your business is by adding an effective About section.

You should mention about the products or services you are offering. The About Tab on Facebook is situated on left side of the business page. The visitors learn more about your services and products, Instagram pages, experience, recent customers, website URL and contact details in this About section.

Remain smart by completely utilizing such sections in the Facebook Business Page.

5. Facebook Pixel Usage:

It consists of a line of coding which you can install on the website so as to track micro conversions, conversions, and behaviors of the website guests.

The Facebook Pixel helps you in building custom audiences for Facebook Ads.

By performing this, you can run retargeting promotions on Facebook and display ads to website visitors as they are browsing through social networks using their mobile phone or PC. The Facebook Pixel traces any person visiting your website no matter which referral source they arrive.

Due to this reason, retargeting also reinforces your entire marketing exertions from other platforms.

6. Facebook Audience Network:

Facebook displays ads on several other apps and stories outside the platform itself, including Facebook Messenger, Instagram and it is what referred to as FAN or Facebook Audience Network.

You will be able to choose the platform to show your ads in form of option referred as placements seen in Facebook ads manager. You may be spending hundreds of dollars on Facebook ads.

So, it is smart to showcase advertisements on your audience network. The audience network significantly increases reach. It provides native ads that users may not experience it like ads. It permits ads to follow consumers across several platforms and devices.

By enabling audience network, you can significantly reduce your CPR since audience network impressions serve as a large sea for fishing clients.

7. Video marketing tactics:

People love colors, audio clips, and visuals that trigger their imagination. As you already know, videos are exceptionally eye-catchy than the usual text posts.

Facebook has identified this trend and gives importance to video content in its algorithm. They have even released an autoplay feature.

When you do video marketing on Facebook, you should ensure that videos are intriguing and short. The content should be entertaining and fresh and have the capacity of getting viral.

You should create videos that help in educating your audience. But before educating audience, you have to learn about your potential audience. Remember, the first two seconds of the video is very important to gain attention from the viewers.

If the video takes lot of time to load or dry, there are chances for the audience to click cancel or stop button. Show exciting and new uses for your service or product.

8. Respond speedily to messages:

The main aim of creating a business page on Facebook is to connect with customers quickly.

So, it is necessary to respond to their queries and requests as fast as possible. Ensure to check the private message box on frequent basis. When you respond fast, you have chances to get responsive stamp on the page.

Some of the badges that are commonly seen in business pages are ‘typically replies within a day’ or ‘very responsive’.

It is compulsory to respond to all queries as per Facebook laws, but responding serves as evidence that you care and give importance to your customer’s queries.

9. Learn when to post:

There are no strict rules for posting content or videos on the page.

However, certain data reveals some interesting information about the right time and day to share content on Facebook so as to grab high user engagement.

As per statistics, it is recommended to post every Wednesday around 3.00 PM, Thursday and Friday and also weekends from 1.00 PM to 4.00 PM. If you want to share some informative or promotional post, you can share on Friday evenings.

It is best to avoid posting after 8.00 PM and before 8.00 AM on weekends.

10. Be interesting and innovative:

Marketing only about your business products have chances to disappoint your followers.

Ensure to share interesting news or facts that connects your product. This way, readers will pay attention to your post and also consider purchasing the products after checking your post.

With these 10 effective Facebook marketing tips, you can easily master and reap the best recompenses for your business.

Ensure to apply all the Facebook marketing strategies as part of social media promotion. All the best.