Tag: Entertainment

Auractive: Hear Beyond the Ordinary

Get ready to reimagine sound. Auractive isn’t just another speaker brand; it’s a groundbreaking technology poised to shake the very foundations of audio. Forget passive listening – Auractive invites you to actively experience sound, blurring the lines between perception and…

A Brief History and What Lies Ahead as Big Players are Challenging its Dominance

There are several ways in which watching movies online and listening to music have changed considerably. In the beginning, everything was available for download as streaming was not a choice. With very low bandwidth, streaming audio and video were a…

4 Situations Where Wireless Headphones Can Save You

Headphones have meant different things to the people of every generation. It is a sweet escape for the music-lover, a safety net for the introverts, a workout partner for the gym enthusiasts or a medium that has helped someone concentrate…

Get the Facts About Your Favorite Rappers

When it comes to rap music, many people have their own opinions about their favorite artists. While some prefer Jay-Z’s versification and execution, others listen to Eminem on repeat. It is also interesting to note that there are increasingly many…

The 10 Most Beautiful Hand-Drawn Video Games

Even we are in an AI-powered world and currently, much of the inventions are taking place using AI. We are living in a world full of HDTVs and hyper-realistic graphics. Thus, it’s easy to forget that some of the best…